

World's Shopping Capitals

Lauren Sherman07.20.09, 07:00 PM EDT

Consumers will find the most satisfying selection of retailers in these 15 cities.

Topshop finally hopped across the pond to New York City in April 2009. Anthropologie, headquartered in Philadelphia, Penn., signed a lease on London's Regent Street to open its first store in Europe by the end of this year. And Thailand's firstGap is set to opens its doors next spring.

Regardless of how badly retailers' sales have suffered through the recession--in June 2009, U.S. retail sales saw a year-over-year decrease of 9%, to $342.1 billion, according to the Commerce Department, and Saks' ( SKS - news people ),Gap's GPS - news people ) and H&M's year-over-year global sales for stores open at least one year were down 4%, 10% and 5% in June, respectively--there's no denying that many have used this as an entrée into markets beyond their country's borders. That's because expanding abroad is one of the most efficient ways for a brand that has saturated its own country's retail landscape to gain global market share and increase sales. The result? More choice for the consumer, from Hong Kong to Hamburg. And (hopefully) a bigger bottom line for retailers.

In Pictures: World's Shopping Capitals

Consider London. In the U.K., the High Street--or the main road in a neighborhood--is shopping mecca. In London, there are more High Streets than one can count, so it's no surprise it hosts more than half of the world's top retailers--chosen for their market share both in their home country and abroad--including the young and trendy Topshop as well as high-end department stores like Liberty of London and Harvey Nichols.

What's more, London's leasing regulations for real estate occupied by a foreign-operated business are a lot less strict as they are in, say, Mumbai--where foreign retailers are forbidden to directly open single brand stores--according to Peter Gold, head of Europe, Middle East and Africa cross-border retail research at Los Angeles-headquartered CB Richard Ellis Group ( CBG - news people ), a multinational real estate corporation. That means retailers like the Gap, Abercrombie & Fitch ( ANF - news people ), Uniqlo and Urban OutfittersURBN - news people ) have often used London as a launch pad for foreign expansion.

It also means that shoppers in London have the most options when it comes to browsing the world's top retailers. Indeed, 59.26%of the world's biggest and best stores are open for business in the city.

Behind the Numbers 
To find the world's best cities for shopping, we turned to Gold, who co-authored CBRE's spring 2009 study "How Global Is the Business of Retail?" Gold and his colleagues mapped the global footprint of 280 of the world's top retailers across 67 countries, analyzing retail globalization at a city level. Cities that possessed the highest percentage of these top retailers--chosen for their market share both in their home country and abroad--capped off the list. Retailers studied included restaurants, luxury goods purveyors and mass-market discounters. (The only retailers not considered were automobile dealerships and manufacturers.)

The more options a shopper has, the more discerning he seems to be.

"London shoppers are most adventurous, full stop" says Jason Campbell, a personal stylist and founder of online fashion publicationJC Report. Londoners' style is all over the map, and that's reflected in what the stores carry for the runway collections."

While London has its fare share of mass retailers, niche boutiques are peppered across the city, from Westbourne Grove to Shoreditch. For instance, Comme des Garçons designer Rei Kawakubo's Dover Street Market in Mayfair features hard-to-find designers like Anne Valerie Hash; Labour of Love in Islington stocks little-known labels such as Louis Amstrup.

Paris' shoppers--with 49.79% of the world's top shops at their disposal--are similarly selective, although favorite boutiques tend to showcase French designers or those who show their collections during the city's Fashion Week, says Campbell. The latest shopping hot spot? Palais Royal in the first arrondissement, which hosts boutiques such as Stella McCartney, Rick Owens and Corto Moteldo. Diane Pernet, a fashion journalist and author of the Where to Wear, Paristravel guide, suggests new vintage shop Bastien de Almeida as well as Maria Luisa, Colette and L'Eclaireur for those who love multi-brand boutiques. Designer Isabel Marant's boutique in the Marais is also a must-visit for fashionistas looking to add some Parisian ease to their wardrobe.

Other popular shopping destinations include New YorkTokyo and Dubai. While New York (hosting 46.91% of the world's top retailers) and Tokyo (38.68%) both offer tourists a bigger selection of stores than any other city in their respective countries, Dubai's No. 4 ranking on the list--boasting 45.68% of top retailers--is an indication that demand in the Middle East just keeps growing. For example, by 2010, American department store Bloomingdales, part of Macy's Mnews people ), will have opened up shop in the city. Along with a consumer demand for more brand names, the numerous malls and shopping centers being built within Dubai make it easier for retailers--or their franchise partners--to acquire prime real estate at a reasonable price. "Access to real estate is key," says Gold.

Other emerging markets are also going strong, including Russia's Moscow--where, Campbell says, conspicuous consumption is still socially acceptable if you do indeed have the money to spend--and Beijing and Hong Kong in China--where 50 new millionaires emerge every day, according to Dan Sontag, president of the global wealth management group at Merrill Lynch. However, brand names still lack a real presence in cosmopolitans within India and Brazil. That's because these countries have stricter rules when it comes to foreign retailers operating businesses within their cities, regardless of whether or not it's through a franchise agreement. Both India and Brazil have strong domestic retail and luxury industries and don't want to cannibalize those sales, says Gold.

But not to worry, power shoppers. Gold also says that as the demand for global brands increases in these countries, so will their brick-and-mortar presence: "I think that it will change," he says. "There is too much [financial] opportunity."

2009年4月,Topshop 終於遠跨重洋入駐紐約市。總部位於賓夕法尼亞州費城的 Anthropologie 在倫敦攝政街(Regent Street)租下店面,將在今年年底之前開設其在歐洲的首家商店。而 Gap 在泰國的第一家店面也將在明年春天開業。
購物之都第一名:倫敦。美聯社圖片/Sang Tan

【富比世提供/Lauren Sherman】


2009年4月,Topshop 終於遠跨重洋入駐紐約市。總部位於賓夕法尼亞州費城的 Anthropologie 在倫敦攝政街(Regent Street)租下店面,將在今年年底之前開設其在歐洲的首家商店。而 Gap 在泰國的第一家店面也將在明年春天開業。 美國商務部的數據顯示,2009年6月,美國零售額同比下跌9%,至3421億美元;而6月份,Saks Fifth Avenue、Gap 和 H&M 營業至少一年以上的店面的銷售額分別同比下滑4%、10%和5%。不管經濟衰退時期零售商們的銷售額有多麼糟糕,不可否認的是,許多零售商都將這作為打入海外市場的契機。這是因為,對一個在本土零售市場發展已經飽和的品牌而言,海外擴張是奪取全球市場佔有率、增加銷售額的最有效方式之一。那麼這會帶來什麼結果呢?無論是在香港還是漢堡,消費者都擁有了更豐富的選擇。而零售商們也有希望獲得更可觀的收益。


讓我們來看一看倫敦。在英國,商業街 (High Street),也就是街區的主道路,是人們的購物中心。在倫敦,商業街數不勝數,因此,全球超過半數的頂級零售商(根據其在本土市場和海外市場的市場佔有率衡量,其中包括年輕時尚品牌 Topshop 以及 Liberty of London 和 Harvey Nichols 等頂級百貨商場)在這裏安家落戶也就不足為奇了。此外,總部位於洛杉磯的房地產跨國公司世邦魏理仕 (CB Richard Ellis Group) 的歐洲、中東和非洲跨境零售研究主管 Peter Gold 表示,倫敦的外資房地產租賃規定相比孟買等市場要寬鬆許多,在孟買,外國零售商不得直接開設單一品牌的店面。這意味著 Gap、Abercrombie & Fitch、Uniqlo 和 Urban Outfitters 等零售商往往會將倫敦作為其海外擴張的第一站。



我們請 Gold 幫我們確定全球最佳購物城市,Gold 曾與他人共同編寫了世邦魏理仕2009年春季研究報告《How Global Is the Business of Retail?》。Gold 與他的同事詳細研究了67個國家280家世界一流零售商的全球業務版圖,在城市層面對零售全球化進行了分析。這些頂級零售商(根據其在本土市場和海外市場的市場佔有率衡量)入駐比例最高的城市在榜單上處於領先位置。納入調查的零售商包括餐館、奢侈品供應商和大眾折扣店。(唯一不在考慮範圍之列的是汽車經銷商和製造商。)


私人造型師、網路時裝雜誌《JC Report》創辦人 Jason Campbell 表示:「倫敦的消費者最大膽。倫敦人的穿著風格各式各樣,這從時裝展上模特展示的服裝可以得到體現。」

倫敦不僅有很多大商場,還有一些小店遍佈街頭巷尾——從 Westbourne Grove 到 Shoreditch,隨處可見。例如,在川久保玲 (Comme des Garçons) 設計師 Rei Kawakubo 位於 Mayfair 的 Dover Street Market 就可以找到 Anne Valerie Hash 等難得一見的設計師的作品;在位於 Islington 的 Labour of Love 則可以找到 Louis Amstrup 等鮮為人知的品牌。

Campbell 說,儘管備受歡迎的時裝店常常展示法國設計師或巴黎時裝周參展設計師的作品,但坐擁49.79%世界頂級名店供其自由選擇的巴黎消費者依然會精挑細選。最新的購物聖地在哪里?當然是位於第一區的 Palais Royal,那裏有 Stella McCartney、Rick Owens 以及 Corto Moteldo 等時裝店。時裝新聞記者、旅遊指南《Where to Wear, Paris》作者 Diane Pernet 則向那些鍾愛多品牌時裝店的人推薦新開的復古時裝店 Bastien de Almeida,以及 Maria Luisa、Colette 和 L'Eclaireur。對於希望為其衣櫥增添一抹巴黎休閒色彩的時尚潮人而言,設計師 Isabel Marant 位於 Marais 的時裝店也是必逛之地。

其他一些著名的購物之都包括紐約、東京和杜拜。紐約(擁有46.91%的世界頂級零售品牌)和東京(38.68%)在其各自的國家都為遊客提供了較其他城市更多的選擇,而杜拜在該榜單上位居第四的排名(擁有45.68%的頂級零售品牌)表明中東地區的需求正不斷增長。例如,美國百貨商店、Macy's 旗下的 Bloomingdales 將在2010年之前進駐該城市。除了消費者對更多品牌的需求外,杜拜正在建設的眾多商場和購物中心將使零售商——或其授權合作夥伴——更容易以合理價格購置到優質地產。Gold說:「能夠獲得地產是關鍵所在。」

其他一些新興市場也在逐漸強大,包括俄羅斯的莫斯科以及中國的北京和香港。Campbell 說,在莫斯科,只要你的確擁有足夠多的財富,奢侈消費依然被社會接受。而美林證券(Merrill Lynch) 全球財富管理部門總裁 Dan Sontag 表示,在北京和香港,每天會誕生50位新的百萬富翁。不過,在印度和巴西的一些大城市,頂級品牌店仍然比較稀缺。這是因為,這兩個國家對在其城市從事經營活動的外國零售商實行較為嚴格的法規,而不論其是否達成了授權協定。Gold 說,印度和巴西國內的零售和奢侈品行業均比較發達,他們不想讓銷售額被瓜分。

但是財力雄厚的消費者也不必擔心。Gold 說,隨著這些國家對全球性品牌的需求不斷增長,實體店也會越來越多。他說:「我認為情況會發生改變。商機多多。」

入榜15大購物之都包括: 北京、米蘭、香港、漢堡、新加坡、東京、巴賽隆納、慕尼黑、柏林、馬德里、莫斯科、迪拜、紐約、巴黎、倫敦。

原文 Billionaires Who Love The Dollar


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